Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reminds me of a song...

I love this kitty-cat picture... it's so cute! It looks just like two of my cats too, but it's not. I don't know who took it or I'd give credit where credit's due.  Cute picture!

There was a great song in the 70's that Bette Midler sang, it was about friends and it's rambling through my head today, something along the lines of "Well ya gotta have friennnnnddds..."

So... what makes a friend a friend?

Whether through schoool, work, neighborhood, family, online, offline, hobbies, sports, social clubs, or any other association you can think of, what makes a friend a friend?

Is it their ability to listen, to share? Is it their openness to want to celebrate your victories and mourn your losses with you? Is it shared likes and dislikes? Is it that soul-deep connection that tells you you are truly never alone in a world that's increasingly busy, disjointed, filled with conflicting schedules, demands, and stress?

Friends do come and go over the course of our lives, that's for sure. Some come for a day, a week, a year, or a lifetime. Each one's a gem in their own way.

Thanks for being my friend.

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