I love cats, it's true, but I also love dogs, horses (especially the minis), bunnies, and smallish furry critters like hamsters. You could say I'm a Pet Person. Many try to cage me as a Cat Person and not a Dog Person, but tis not true - I love all animals. Well, except for slithering beasties or things that go thump in the night. And there's no way I'm gonna start cuddling a skunk. No thanks!
Anyhow, I digress.
What brings me to cats today is actually the weather. Yep, you heard me. It's Saturday afternoon and last night the weatherpukes all said "chance of snow" for today. I mean ALL of them said it - news online, weatherbug, news on TV. I was expecting S-N-O-W snow!! Did I get it? Heck no. I got 2"-3" snow on *Wednesday* when they said it would be sunny!! Woke up to what looked like a white-out but it wasn't. It was just the light reflecting off the ground up into the house.
My cats LOVE the sun. I think all furry animals do. I have this theory that the sun recharges their solar panels in their bellies. Every time it's sunny they bask in it like they can't quite soak up enough, and no matter how hot they get they keep following that bit o' sun across the room until it's not available anymore that day, only to stare out the night window longingly, expectant that the next day will bring them yet another solar recharge.
It must be that felines collectively have some kind of weather-control system. They communicate globally and change the weather to suit where the cats need recharging the most. After this weeks' earlier "Surprise!! It's snowing!!" my cats here sent our rain to SoCal and we have SoCal's sun today. It's Feline Weather Control! Dr. Evil would love to get his hands on it. But wait... didn't he have a cat too? Hmmm...
It's a Cat-spiracy, but for now I'll enjoy the pretty sunshine. Thanks kitties! :)
Love that picture! My cat Earl likes to lay on his back like that in the sun. (Which reminds me, I need to write a post about my faithful assistants, the cats.) Not to be Debbie-downer here, but now their saying snow on Wednesday. Come on felines! Work your magic.
Hi Melania!!
ReplyDeleteHeheh! It snowed here, I got about 3" the other night right after I caught all my kitties at the windows doing something, I'm not sure what. When I tried to let them outside they all wussed out and stayed inside. I think they wanted snow just to watch the fluffy white stuff float down, those evil furrballs. I still love them though! <3
That's Tigger in that picture, she bakes on her back. :)